DOB: 8/10/06 AKC (GSD) Registered, UKC (WS) Registered and AWSA (WS) Registered
AKC DNA Profile, UKC DNA Profile, Microchipped, Tattoo
Our beautiful white standard coated male from the 2006 HugoxAva litter is:
UKC UWP, WGSDCA BOSPISS, UKC GRAND CHAMPION Worrywort Bada-Boom Bada-Bing VCC, HIC/d/s, NWDA WPT1, NWDA WPT2, NWDA WPT3, NWDA CHAMPION, (UKC 2011 #8 White Shepherd) UKC TOTAL DOG, (NWDA 2012 #5 100# weight puller)
Or Crosby for in Bing Crosby.
(As a wee-pup, Crosby would dance and sing for his dinner!)
Crosby is part of my Foster Program and resides with his dad.
Crosby pictured at 13 months of age.
Crosby is not only Show Champion titled but is Herding Instict tested with sheep and ducks. (Must run in the genes from his mother!) Crosby's sister, Aspen received her UKC Show Championship title at 6 months 8 days of age. Quite a feat for such a young dog! Notably, Crosby finished his championship shortly after his sister at 7 months of age. Excellence runs strong in this line!
He is one large STUDLY, CUDDLY male!
Crosby's OFA page is:
< NEWSFLASH: Crosby is OFA EXCELLENT on hips and Normal on elbows and shoulders. Crosby has four half-siblings that also have OFA EXCELLENT hips. Excellence does run strong in this line!
Less than 4% of shepherds get an EXCELLENT rating...this is the highest rating one can get on an OFA hip xray. Check out the statistics.
< NEWSFLASH: Crosby is normal on the OFA Degenerative Myleopathy DNA test. According to OFA, a normal parent will not produce an offspring affected with Degenerative Myleopathy. Crosby is also clear on the Degenerative Myleopathy Flash Test! SHOULDN'T YOUR PUPPIES BE DM FREE??
Crosby had been color and coat length tested through DDC Veterinary Animal DNA Testing with the following results: Crosby is clear of the Liver and Blue dilution genes, Crosby does NOT carry for the solid black color, Crosby DOES carry for long coat
CERF (eyes) Normal
OFA BAER Hearing Test Normal
Degenerative Myleopathy Flash Test - Negative
OFA Cardiac Normal
OFA Patella Normal
OFA Thyroid Normal
OFA Degenerative Myleopathy Normal
OFA Shoulders Normal
OFA Elbows Normal
OFA Full Dentition
OFA Eyes Normal
OFA CHIC DNA Swabs and Blood for the DNA Databank/Repository for research
OFA DDC Veterinary Animal DNA Testing Hyperuriocosuria Normal/Normal
PennHIP Left DI=.38, Right DI=.35 (60th percentile) at 34 months of age
Full Coagulation Panel through Cornell University
-aPTT 12.0 (ref range 10-17)
-PT 16.0 (ref range 13-18)
-TCT 6.5 (ref range 5-9)
-Factor VIII:C 121 (ref range 50-200) Hemophilia A clear
-Factor IX:C 112 (ref range 50-150) Hemophilia B clear
-vWF:Ag 96 (ref range 70-180) von Willebrand Factor clear
MDR1 (Multidrug Resistance) gene Normal/Normal by parentage (both parents are Normal/Normal)
Genoscoper DLA Diversity Gene Test - Chromosone 12 Class 2 -
DRB*01501,DQA*00601,DQB*00301(CSK) : DRB*00101,DQA*00101,DQB*00201(AF)
DNA Swabs submitted to University of California Davis for research
UKC Show Champion at 7 months of age
UKC Grand Show Champion
UKC 13x Best of Breed Wins
UKC 3x Herding Group 2 Placements
UKC 4x Herding Group 3 Placements
UKC 3x Herding Group 4 Placements
2011 UKC Top Ten Show Dog Certification (#8 White Shepherd in the nation)
UKC TOTAL DOG 10/6/2012 with a Herding Group 3
Clever Canine Companions - Versatile Canine Companion Certificate
All Breed Stockdog Association - Herding Instinct Certificate with Ducks
American White Shepherd Association - Herding Instinct Certificate with Sheep
American Herding Breed Association - Herding Capability Test Title with Sheep - leg 1
White German Shepherd Dog Club of America Show Championship pointed
2007 White German Shepherd Dog Club of America National Specialty Weekend - 3 Reserve Winners Dog
2007 White German Shepherd Dog Club of America National Specialty - Winners Dog and Best of Opposite Sex Puppy
UKC UWP (United Weight Puller title)
National Working Dog Association NWDA WPT1 (Weight Pulling dog 1)
National Working Dog Association NWDA WPT2 (Weight Pulling dog 2)
National Working Dog Association NWDA WPT3 (Weight Pulling dog 3)
National Working Dog Association NWDA WEIGHT PULL CHAMPIONSHIP
2011-2012 #5 NWDA weight pull season 100# Overall weight puller
Most weight pulled to date: Rails: 3770# on 9/3/2012
wheels: 1685# on 10/21/2012
DOB: 4/11/07 AKC (GSD) Registered and UKC (GSD) Registered
AKC DNA Profile, UKC DNA Profile, Microchipped, Tattoo
Neutered: 12/2011
Our imported sired red sable male from our 2007 IgorxAva litter is:
UKC CHAMPION Worrywort CJ Jackal The Great VCC, HIC/d
Or Jake for short.
Jake is retired from our Foster Program.
One can not show a dog and earn points to their championship until they are 6 months of age. Jake finished his championship at 6 months 3 days of age. QUITE A FEAT!!! Jake is Tasha's and Zelda's brother...he is 1/4 Czech Pohranicni Straze Border Patrol Lines. These bloodlines were acquired from the former DDR (East Germany) and Czechoslovakia in 1955, to serve Border Patrol. The dogs are unique with their strong nerve, large bone structure, dark pigment and willingness to work defense, obedience and tracking. They are the total companion - alarm system - bodyguard, all in one package! We are very excited to have them as part of our breeding program. Jake is part of my Foster Program and lives with a family with a few young children. I have "accidently" stepped on his foot with no repercussion.
Jake's OFA page is:
< NEWSFLASH: Jake is OFA EXCELLENT on hips and Normal on elbows and shoulders. Jake's sisters Tasha, Justice and Zelda also have OFA EXCELLENT hips. And Jake's half brother Crosby also has OFA EXCELLENT hips.
Less than 4% of shepherds get an EXCELLENT rating...this is the highest rating one can get on an OFA hip xray. Check out the statistics.
< NEWSFLASH: Jake is normal on the OFA Degenerative Myleopathy DNA test. According to OFA, a normal parent will not produce an offspring affected with Degenerative Myleopathy. Jake is also clear on the Degenerative Myleopathy Flash Test! SHOULDN'T YOUR PUPPIES BE DM FREE??
Jake has been color tested through HealthGene and is white-factored and black-factored.
Jake had been color and coat length tested through DDC Veterinary Animal DNA Testing with the following results: Jake is clear of the Liver and Blue dilution genes, Jake DOES carry for long coat
CERF (eyes) Normal
Degenerative Myleopathy Flash dsTest Negative
OFA BAER Hearing Test Normal
OFA Elbows Normal
OFA Shoulders Normal
OFA Patella Normal
OFA Cardiac Normal
OFA Thyroid Normal
OFA Degenerative Myleopathy Normal
OFA CHIC DNA Swabs for the DNA Databank/Repository for research
OFA DDC Veterinary Animal DNA Testing Hyperuriocosuria Normal/Normal
OFA MDR1 (Multidrug Resistance) Gene Normal/Normal through Washington State University
PennHIP Left DI=.37, Right DI=.30 (70th percentile) at 38 months of age
Idexx 8/18/2011 - Brucellosis negative
Texas A&M 8/18/2011 - full EPI panel
- Cobalamin 404 (ref 251-908)
- Folate 14.2 (ref 7.7-24.4)
- Pancreatic Lipase Immunoreactivity <30 (ref 0-200)
- TLI 8.4 (ref 5.7-45.2)
Genoscoper DLA Diversity Gene Test - Chromosone 12 Class 2 -
DRB*01501,DQA*00601,DQB*00301 (CSK) : DRB*01101,DQA*00201,DQB*01302
UKC Show Championship at 6 months 3 days of age!!
UKC Multiple Best of Breed Wins
UKC Herding Group 4 at 6 months 3 days of age
All Breed Stockdog Association - Herding Instinct Certificate with Ducks
Clever Canine Companions - Versatile Canine Companion Certificate
DOB: 8/29/2010 AKC (GSD) Registered and UKC (WS) Registered and AWSA (WS) Registered
AKC DNA Profiled, UKC DNA Profile, Microchipped
Neutered 2/2012
UKC GRAND CHAMPION Worrywort Grill Sargeant
Or Sarge for short.
Sarge lives as a beloved neutered pet with his dad.
Sometimes, the best things in life happen for a reason. I was able to show Sarge to his Grand Championship and before Sarge was neutered, was able to collect a few breedings from him. Sarge is a big lovable OAF!! Sarge is from the HemixTasha 2010 litter.
Sarge is a gorgeous big and substantial white long stock-coat male with a biscuit overlay.
Sarge's OFA page:
OFA prelim Hips good at 12 months of age
OFA prelim Elbows normal at 12 months of age
OFA Hips Good
OFA Elbows Normal
OFA Shoulders Normal
OFA Cardiac Normal
OFA Full Dentition
PennHIP Left DI=.26, Right DI=.26 (90+ percentile) at 41 months of age
MDR1 gene test normal by parentage
DM gene test normal by parentage
UKC Show Championship
UKC Grand Show Championship
UKC 2x Best of Breed Wins
UKC 1x Herding Group 2 Placement
RNDAws-2K, RHws-2K, SKKws-3K, DDROKwgsp-1K, KDKcgsp-1K