DOB: 3/1/1999 DOD:4/20/2011 Dx: Nasal Adenocarcinoma
For your convenience, Buster has frozen semen located in Ohio. The Ohio facility specializes in canine reproduction. Therefore, surgical insemination can be done in Ohio or the frozen can be shipped to a facility of your choice.
"RIP my special man"
AKC Registered and UKC Registered
AKC DNA Profiled, UKC DNA Profiled, Microchipped, Tattoo
HIT, UKC GRAND CHAMPION Good Ole' Buster Boy CGC, TDI, TT, DSA, AKC RN , VCC, VCCX (2006UKC#2EnglishBulldog)
The day I picked Buster up and took him over to show my mom my new puppy, he was tugging and pulling on my shoelace..."no, no" and he pulled all the harder. My mom's comment was that I was going to have my hands full with this one.
Buster taught me patience since it took him longer to learn things than my shepherds, he taught me humility since in the obedience ring it looked like dis-obedience and he taught me commitment since no matter what happened, he was there.
He is my ONCE IN A LIFETIME man!
Buster has excellent OFA health clearances for a Bulldog:
Including being clear of hip and elbow and shoulder dysplasia.
The bulldog breed is about 3/4 dysplastic for hips alone -
Please choose your breeder of your bulldog carefully. Bulldogs are not meant to be dysplastic and most breeders do not do ANY health testing of their bulldogs.
Buster does have frozen semen available at the Cleveland ICSB-Ohio. He was last checked for fertility Summer 2007 (90% motility, 576 million). His stud fee is my pick puppy from the litter.
I L-O-V-E this dog and would like to have an offspring from him!!
OFA Hips Fair
OFA Elbows Normal
OFA Patella Normal
OFA Thyroid Normal
OFA Cardiac Normal
CERF (eyes) Normal
OFA Shoulders Normal (done at 103 months of age!)
OFA Tracheal Hypoplasia Database - 2.17 Normal done at 103 months age!
DDC Veterinary Animal DNA Testing Hyperuriocosuria Normal/Normal
OFA CHIC DNA Swabs and Blood for the DNA Databank/Repository for research
CHIC Certified
Urine Nitroprusside Test for Cyctine - Negative through the University of Pennsylvania
PennHIP Left DI= 0.68, Right DI = 0.68 (60th percentile) done at 33 months of age
Von Willenbrand Factor 76 (ref range 70-180) done at Cornell Diagnostic Laboratory
IgA 0.79 Normal done though Texas A&M University
OFA (Closed,non-public) Spine Database - T6&T9 Hemivertibrae, T8 Butterfly Vertibrae, L-S junction spondylosis done at 103 months of age!
DDC Veterinary Animal DNA Testing DM Normal/Mutant (carrier)
DNA Swabs submitted to University of California Davis for research
AKC Show Championship Pointed
AKC Best of Winners, Reserve Winners
AKC Companion Dog Obedience Title - 2 legs
AKC Rally Novice Titled
AKC Canine Good Citizen Certificate
2004 AKC WMBC High Scoring Dog in Obedience Trial
2005 AKC WMBC Obedience Novice A 1st Prize
2005 AKC WMBC Veteran Dog 1st Prize
2006 AKC WMBC Obedience Novice A 1st Prize
2006 AKC WMBC Veteran Dog 1st Prize
UKC Show Championship
UKC Grand Show Championship
UKC Multiple Best of Breed Wins
UKC Multiple Companion Group Placements
2006 UKC Top Ten Show Dog Certificate (#2 Bulldog)
Clever Canine Companions - Versatile Canine Companion Certificate
Clever Canine Companions - Versatile Canine Companion Excellent Certificate
2002 Pet Assisted Therapy Certificate through Clever Canine Companions Working Registry
2003 Pet Assisted Therapy Certificate through Clever Canine Companions Working Registry
2006 Pet Assisted Therapy Certificate through Clever Canine Companions Working Registry
Therapy Dog through Therapy Dogs International
Temperment Tested Titled through the American Temperment Test Society, Inc
Dog Scouts of America Certification
- Obstacle Course 1 Merit Badge
- Obstacle Course 2 Merit Badge
- Therapy Dog 1 Merit Badge
- Art of Shaping Merit Badge
- Puppy Paddler Merit Badge
- Boating Safety Merit Badge
- First Aid Merit Badge
- First Aid - Canine/Adv CPR Merit Badge
- Temperment Test (ATTS) Merit Badge